What are genital warts?
Genital warts are growths that appear on the penis, vagina, vulva (labia), cervix, rectum, or groin. Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease, meaning they are transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person. When a person is infected, it may take one to three months for the warts to appear. Some people who are infected never develop warts. If you think you might be infected, you should get tested, even if you do not have any visible warts.
What do genital warts look like?
Genital warts appear as small pink or red growths in or around the genital area. They may resemble small parts of a cauliflower, or they can be very small and hard to see. They often appear in clusters of three or four and can grow and spread quickly. They are usually not painful, although they can cause mild pain, bleeding, and itching.